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Deshawn is an 18 year old high school superstar basketball player who goes from being the number 1 NBA draft pick to a presumed convicted murderer. Deshawn Is then forced to compete in a highly profitable but secret prison basketball league. Dom, who is a high school sports reporter, sets out to find the truth behind Deshawn’s conviction and discovers he is not the only athlete who has been setup for horrific crimes and forced to compete in this league.

Shawn Murphy is a 37 year old single father. He is driven to find the man that kidnapped his little girl four months ago. She is one of eleven children that have been abducted in the Southwest, Florida area. The police are baffled and neighborhoods are terrorized as this predator stalks the streets. As luck would have it, the police arrest a suspect, but he refuses to tell authorities where the children are.
During a seemingly routine arraignment for the suspect, all hell breaks loose as Shawn (the main character) and his friends retrieve hidden weapons and take control of the courtroom. Shawn wants answers and intends to get them by any means. He plans to get them. The question is if Shawn is really in control or is he and the other family members of the missing children a part of a bigger plan.
As the stranger in the front row reveals his true self, questions will be answered, faiths will be tested, and hidden truths be revealed. For he believes he is the Millstone hung about the necks of those that refuse to care for the little ones God entrusted to them. See how this twisted drama plays out. Will the suspect tell them what they need to know or does the stranger hold the key? All isn’t what it seems inside this courtroom; for no one can escape the judgment of the Hanging Millstone. (Matthew 18:6)

Director Biography - Curtis Collins

A mother excited about a big promotion at work becomes preoccupied in the rat race of life and forgets her most precious package

Three friends become stranded on a desert island...when they find a Genie in a bottle. Be careful what you wish for.

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William is forced to send his reluctant mother to a assistant living facility in Florida. When they get there things are not what William thought they would be. Will he allow his mother to stay or is the choice no longer his? Edien... where age is just a number and you as young as you feel.

A young man madly in love with his girlfriend, catches her in a compromising situation.  Turning to drugs and alcohol to soothe his broken heart, he soon experiences a series of events that prove nothing is ever what it seems.

Two lifelong friends are living a quiet Florida existence. One of them has a daughter and her friend come for a surprise visit and then the comedy unfolds. Enjoy this story of the older generation and younger generation on a collision course of fun.  

Four friends decide to shelter in place during one of the worst hurricanes in U.S. history.  Although they made it through safely, they come to the realization that a majority of their area has been utterly destroyed and their neighbors are in desperate need of help. With a little bit of comedy and a lot of humanitarianism, see how their story unfolds.

An inmate working in the prison coffin factory, convinces a down on your luck guard to help him escape. When she discovers what he is convicted of, will she go through with it?

Kyrie', a young girl is terrified of the dark because of the imaginary monster that lurks under the bed. After the sudden disappearance of her mother, her father decides to move to a small Florida town to start over.  See what happens when she is forced to sleep without the nightlight leading to the discovery that  the monster is real.  

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