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- Bring a head shot
- Know your lines
- Be professional
These are all paid roles, we are seeking the best of the best.
Your interest in helping us bring this story to screen is appreciated.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
RATE: 250.00/day
CALL BACKS: May, 2024
SHOOT DATE: June, 2024 LOCATION: Southwest Florida
{click name for PDF of sides}
CEDRIC: Reporter (35-45, Black Male)
Chunky black man with wire rimmed glasses dedicated to becoming the best reporter he can be. He is very calm and soft spoken. He is the type of guy you would want as a friend. He never married and does not have any children.
CARSON: Reporter (22-35, Black Male)
Slender built man. He is very well dressed, married, & has two small children. He is very family orientated.
CURTIS: Detective (30-40, Black Male)
Curtis is a crooked, money hungry police officer. He has no morals or values. He has never been married and has no children does not care about protecting and serving the only thing that matters is getting as much money as fast as he can.
KEVIN: Detective (30-40, White Male)
Kevin is a crooked police officer. He is married with two small children. Despite that he is cruel. He has a bad attitude and has no care for his oath to protect and serve.
H.S. COACH: Basketball Coach (25-35, Black Male)
He is a middle age black man of average height & slender build. He is single with no children, but he loves teaching kids the importance of sports. He is a father figure to most of the kids that attend his school.
BEAST: Basketball Player (20-25, Black Male)
Beast is very big man in stature and size. He dominates the prison basketball league but is not eligible to be released because of a rape he was framed for. He still plays in the league because he is loyal to the game of basketball.
MATTY: Sports Broadcaster (50-60, White Male)
He is short stout man with straight black hair & is slightly overweight. He has been Howard’s color commentator for the past ten years. They are very good friends & enjoy calling basketball games together.
HOWARD: Sports Broadcaster (40-50, White Male)
Male with curly hair, wire rimmed glasses, and mustache. He has been a sports broadcaster for over fifteen years and loves calling basketball games.
BOBBY BROWN: Basketball Player (21-25, White Male)
Bobby is a tall (above average height) all American looking white male. He is very athletic well educated driven and dedicated to playing basketball. He comes from a very wealthy family willing to do whatever it takes to get to the NBA.
TYRONE: Drug Dealer (21-25, Black Male)
Tyrone is a tall slender male with short dreads and gold teeth. He has lived in neighborhood all his life and has sold drugs since he was in high school. He is a laid-back type of guy.
PETE: Drug Dealer (21-25, Black Male)
He is a drug dealer who has lived in the neighborhood all his life. Dealing drugs is his business. He has long dreads and gold teeth.
JAMES: Serial Killer (25-35, Black Male)
James is a short, stout, light skinned male with a bald head and no facial hair. He has tattoos covering his arms and a very large one on his back. Although he is a serial killer, he has a laid-back attitude. He is the leader of the electric chair gang and is a predator.
AMY: Reporter (25-35, White Male)
She is a slender attractive female athletically built with no children or relationship married to her work and is dedicated to becoming the lead anchor.
COACH 1: Prison Coach (55-65, Black Male)
He is a tall chunky built man with short cut hair. He is very religious and dedicated to Islam. He is the leader of all Muslims inside of the prison. He was convicted for murdering his wife and is ok with spending the rest of his life behind bars. He has one daughter that he hasn’t seen in over 10 years. He is a very good basketball coach and proficient in playing basketball.
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